Engage Dr. Damini

Keynote Speaker

If you want to supercharge your events with powerful keynotes, Dr. Damini specialises in delivering educational, inspirational, and entertaining content designed to spark action. Every event is a memorable experience packed with actionable takeaways. She can also design personalise keynotes to the specific needs of your organisation or team.

Engaging Talks to Inspire Your Teams

    • The 5 C’s of courageous leadership

    • How to dig deep within to understand your authentic leadership style and harness the courage to connect and unleash your most powerful self

    • A practical guide to courageously embracing individuality and navigating human connection to empower your teams to be autonomous

    • Why courageous leadership leads to better outcomes in crisis management

    • The importance of overcoming the cost of playing it safe

    • Knowing when to challenge mediocrity and push the boundaries

    • Learning the art of challenge with tact

    • The 5 pillars of effective communication

    • How to identify, pre-empt and prepare for difficult conversations

    • Guiding and facilitating conversations back from being “de-railed” to being “value-add”

    • The power of humility

    • In a world where teams are often based across time zones and come from different cultures, understanding varying contexts to better meet people where they are

    • A practical guide to connecting over technology with people you have never met

    • Addressing social, cultural, generational and geographic differences to authentically and empathetically manage teams while creating a psychologically safe workplace rooted in deep human connection.

    • Why courage is the key to achieving your dreams and the importance of being brave enough to dream big

    • Actionable steps to sparking bravery in everyday situations

    • How finding the courage to connect with yourself can be a catalyst for the positive change you need to create a life and career with lasting fulfilment

Connect today to unlock your team’s potential.

Facilitator, Enabler, Provocateur

Beyond her impeccable clinical skills, Dr. Damini possesses a rare ability to hold space and listen with an open heart. This magnetic charisma allows her to connect with everyone, from fearless children to patients with crippling dental anxiety. She brings the energy of a charismatic provocateur to your organization.

Honed through years of patient interaction and further amplified by her journey as an award-winning speaker, she navigates and enables meaningful conversations that drive results.

If you need to take action and move beyond analysis paralysis and organisational gridlocks, she can provoke decision-makers, guide conversations, mediate conflicts, and facilitate workshops to gain momentum and accelerate progress in a tactful and effective manner while ensuring all parties have a voice.

Connect today to Supercharge Organisational Communication.


Dr. Damini, a dynamic consultant with a dental background, excels in navigating complex challenges and driving impactful results. Her exceptional clinical expertise and strategic insight make her a valuable asset in any organisational setting.

With an ability to grasp technical and operational details across various industries and apply sharp analytical and problem-solving skills, Dr. Damini drives courageous decision making.


Building genuine connections is the cornerstone of everything Dr. Damini does.

She encourages individuals to explore their authentic selves through honest conversations in 1:1 coaching, away from societal pressures. She provides the strategies and tools to support and navigate change, discover purpose, and achieve lasting fulfilment.

Searching for, acknowledging, and repairing the "cracks beneath the surface" creates a foundation for mapping out a fulfilling future. Dr. Damini helps you overcome what's holding you back leaving you feeling empowered, motivated, inspired and ready to act.

While Dr. Damini coaches a wide range of clients, much of her 1:1 coaching specialises in tackling life transitions.

Feeling the pull of change?

Let’s tackle the challenges of life events. We'll explore strategies to identify what truly matters and uncover your core values and passions to guide your future decisions.

Schedule a free 20 minute coaching chemistry call.

Emcee and Panel Moderator

Having emceed events with crowds ranging from 100 to as large as 15,000 people, Dr. Damini brings great energy to every stage. She is exceptionally professional in pre-event preparation at the highest level, with a depth of knowledge, research, and script writing that culminates on stage with free-flowing ease, allowing audiences to connect with her immediately.

To discover how Dr. Damini can tailor her approach to your event, making it unique and memorable, connect with us.

View Dr. Damini’s Speaker One Sheet

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